
Auto Healing Perfecting Automotive Paint

Using auto healing on your car can repair light scratches by using a new kind of clear coat. This kind of paint uses heat to change the molecule structure of the paint to a scratch-free state. Nissan and Lexus are early adopters of self-healing paint. Another recent discovery was a voice recorder in the BMW 330d. The new paint will allow the driver to record conversation in small bytes.

There are several disadvantages to using this type of paint. The first major disadvantage is that it can be difficult to work with, resulting in swirl marks on your car. The process doesn’t leave a seamless finish. The repair process also leaves visible scratch marks. The second drawback of self-healing paint is that it does not make the area scratch-free. The process leaves scratch marks. However, it prevents moisture from entering the crack, which could lead to corrosion damage.

Self-healing paint uses chitosan, a natural substance found in the exoskeleton of crustaceans. This substance has been chemically incorporated into traditional polymer materials that protect automotive paint. Chitosan reacts to ultraviolet light to repair the paint faster. The repair process can take an hour or two and leave the car scratch-free. It has been compared to traditional paint protection film.

Another advantage of self-healing paint protection is its ability to repair itself. Just like an ice cube, the auto healing paint protection film can repair scratches on your car’s surface by simply heating it up. You can simply let it sit on top of your car to repair minor dings or scratches. And the best part of auto-healing automotive paint is that it will keep your car looking great even after a car wash!

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