
Cerebral hypoxia: What are the symptoms and causes

One of the fundamental organs for the survival process of the human being is the brain.

According to the research, for this organ to function optimally, it needs a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients. However, if this function is not fulfilled, various parts of the brain can be affected.

“ Brain hypoxia affects the largest parts of the brain, called the cerebral hemispheres. However, the term is often used to refer to a lack of oxygen supply to the entire brain.

In addition, hypoxia causes blood to continue to flow, even though the upper body is deprived of oxygen. Even if there were a total interruption of this element, it would be called “cerebral anoxia”.

When people start to experience this problem,  the first symptoms that appear are difficulties in concentration, attention, coordination and short-term memory. Signs such as headache, dizziness, increased respiratory rate, vision restriction, among others, may also arise.

What is the cause of the lack of oxygenation in the brain?

  • Inhaling smoke (smoke inhalation), such as would happen during a fire
  • carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Suffocation
  • Diseases that prevent movement (paralysis) of the breathing muscles, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
  • great heights
  • Pressure (compression) on the trachea
  • suffocation

Brain cells are extremely sensitive to lack of oxygen. Some of these begin to die less than five minutes after the oxygen supply is cut off. As a result, cerebral hypoxia can rapidly cause death or severe brain damage.

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