Cloning Weed: Ultimate Tips for Beginners

Did you know that the saying can also be applied to weed, particularly cloned weed?

Cannabis plants can reproduce sexually and asexually. Sexual reproduction is when two parent plants cross in the process called pollination, after which the female plant produces buds that contain seeds. You plant the seeds and wait for young sprouts to appear, and each new plant “born” this way has unique features.

With asexual reproduction, you don’t need to wait and collect seeds. What you need is only one grown-up cannabis plant, usually the mother. You take a cutting (called explant) from this plant, plant it in a rooting medium, and help it grow into another young plant.

That is called cloning. The young plant “born” this way will be an exact replica of its parent.

If you are thinking about cloning for beginners weed but you are at the beginning of the road, you will appreciate the following information. Let’s start.

It’s all about genetics

Sometimes what you don’t like about your parents, you detect in yourself. It can be annoying. But you can’t run away from yourself. At most, you can work on a trait, but not eradicate it completely.

In the botany world, you have much more control. You can stimulate and preserve good traits in your plants. How? One way to do it is through cloning.

We’ve seen movies about cloning humans, but what exactly is cloning when it comes to plants?

As we briefly mentioned, it is a process of cutting off a small secondary branch from a healthy mother. It is best to cut a branch containing the terminal shoot and at least one node below it.

The goal is to create an identical copy that will become a young plant with the exact features of the parent plant; in this case, a young cannabis plant.

If you have a bud that you like a lot, you may want to clone it to preserve a strain.

Cloning is possible because of meristematic cells. They are a special type of undifferentiated cells that, unlike other cells with a defined function, keep dividing and helping the plant grow.

Then environmental conditions determine what sorts of cells they turn into – shoots and foliage, root cells or trunk.

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