How Does HHC Make You Feel High?
As the cannabis wave continues to sweep across the world, there’s a growing need for synthetic cannabinoids. It’s increasingly becoming apparent that naturally-obtained cannabinoids may become insufficient at some point in the future.
HHC is an artificial cannabinoid that has witnessed an explosion in popularity in the recent past. The marijuana market teems with places where you can buy HHC pre rolls online and even in brick-and-mortar outlets. However, there are various things to know before integrating this compound into your life.
This post explores everything there is to know about HHC, including its potential benefits and psychedelic properties.
What Is HHC?
HHC is short for hexahydrocannabinol. It’s a semi-synthetic, hydrogenated derivative of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
Tetrahydrocannabinol is a natural chemical in cannabis that causes psychedelic effects. THC is the primary substance responsible for the high, which describes a series of mind-altering effects experienced after consuming weed-based products.
Unlike compounds like delta-9 and delta-10, considered natural tetrahydrocannabinol derivatives, hexahydrocannabinol is a semi-synthetic version of THC. HHC may also occur naturally in the cannabis plant, albeit in trace amounts.
How Is HHC Manufactured
Although hexahydrocannabinol may occur naturally in cannabis, most HHC available for sale is obtained artificially in the lab. HHC was first synthesized by American chemist Roger Adams in 1944, using the hydrogenation method.
Hydrogenation entails the addition of hydrogen molecules to a compound. In this case, a hydrogen molecule is added to THC to convert it to HHC.
But while Adams synthesized HHC directly from delta-9 THC, modern manufacturing methods apply hydrogenation to hemp-derived cannabinoids like cannabidiol (CBD). Hemp is a cannabis cultivar that’s low in THC and high in non-psychoactive cannabinoids, such as CBD and cannabigerol (CBG).
Generally, the process begins by harvesting fresh hemp buds and then extracting cannabidiol from the raw hemp plant biomass. Manufacturers then add some reagents to the CBD to convert it to specific THC analogs. Lastly, hydrogenation converts the THC analogs to HHC.
How Does HHC Make You Feel?
HHC possesses the same psychedelic properties as its parent cannabinoid – tetrahydrocannabinol. That means the compound will equally get you high.
Euphoria is the primary sign of HHC high. The phenomenon is generally marked by uncontrollable amusement, increased energy levels, and enhanced mental focus resulting from cerebral stimulation.
Besides making you high, HHC may also produce positive mental effects. These range from mental relaxation to mood elevation.
For comparison sake, HHC produces milder effects than delta-9 and delta-8 but is more potent than delta-10 THC.
However, it’s important to note that HHC is biphasic. The nature of effects produced by this compound largely depends on the doses consumed.
Smaller HHC doses will induce euphoria, mental relaxation, and other positive effects. But an overdose could trigger various adverse events. These are the same side effects you’ll experience by overdosing on marijuana. Common ones include;
- Hallucinations and paranoia
- Bloodshot eyes
- Reduced coordination and hand-eye movements
- Irritability
- Irregular heart rates
- Diminished memory and attention span
- Sexual performance issues
- Nausea and dry mouth
- Drowsiness
Therefore, moderation is critical while dosing HHC products. The convention starts with the lowest doses, say 5 mg of HHC per serving per day. Allow your body ample time to acclimatize to the compound before possibly upping your doses. If you ever experience any of the above-mentioned adverse effects, stop consuming HHC and give yourself some time to recover.
Does HHC Offer Any Health Benefits
Hexahydrocannabinol may offer nearly the same therapeutic benefits as regular tetrahydrocannabinol. THC is commonly used for pain management. Studies indicate that the compound may mediate pain by blocking the transmission of pain signals to the brain.
HHC may also alleviate inflammation. Like its parent cannabinoid THC, HHC could treat inflammation by suppressing the activation of inflammatory markers like cytokines.
Stress and anxiety are other common ailments that you may address using hexahydrocannabinol products. Again, the anxiolytic properties of HHC are mainly extrapolated from those of THC. Research has shown that THC may improve various anxiety disorders, ranging from generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and social anxiety disorder (SAD) to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and even obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Last but not least, you may administer HHC for improved sleep quality. Like THC, HHC can produce sedating effects, which help reduce sleep onset time.
What Products Does HHC Come In?
Like most cannabinoids, hexahydrocannabinol goods come in many shapes and forms.
You might also encounter edible products infused with hexahydrocannabinol. These range from oral tinctures to gummies, baked goods, and beverages.
Last but not least, you might find HHC in skincare and cosmetic products, including bath bombs and hair shampoos.
Is HHC Legal?
The legality of HHC is largely shrouded in mystery.
According to the 2018 Farm Bill, all help-derived compounds are federally legal to the extent that they contain a maximum potency of 0.3% of delta-9 THC. HHC comes from hemp. So, there’s a high chance it could be low in THC, hence legal.
However, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) considers all synthetically-derived cannabinoids controlled substances. Sadly, HHC also belongs to this group.
Final Words
Hexahydrocannabinol is a semi-synthetic cannabinoid that’s not fully understood. Therefore, it’s essential to discuss before using this compound for medical or recreational purposes with a licensed medical doctor.