
How to crack NEET exams in the first attempt?

Considering the amount of students who appear for the neet test series online it is obvious that you need to have a well- crafted strategy to ace the exams at the first shot. If you go on to check the earlier years results, you may hardly derive that the first time are the toppers. It has to be said that the pattern of the exams is similar to what you see in Physics and chemistry of class 11 and 12. The key is to prepare for this exams and at the same time keeping your routine school studies intact.

NEET toppers believe in intensive preparation in a smart manner rather than slogging it for the next session. The process of clearing NEET exams in the first attempt is not hard work but smart work as there are a massive number of students who appear for this exam. Below are mentioned some tips that will enable you to clear the exam in the first attempt

Cracking NEET at the first attempt

When you are about to prepare for the NEET exam, the first step will be to prepare a time table, that needs to be subject wise or topic oriented. The students need to ensure that the time table is followed properly. You have to prepare the time- table in such a way that multiple topics are being revised multiple times. Such a strategy will help students to have a clear idea and they can also enrolling for the best online coaching for neet. So let us understand on how to crack the exam at the first attempt.

  • Dividing the time- The candidates needs to divide their time in such a manner where proper time is given to the preparation of each session. This will go a long way in enabling to clear the exam at the first attempt. Give importance to the vital topics, and study them properly. When you are studying for long hours take small breaks in between.
  • Have deadlines in place- You need to decide when you will be completing a particular topic, and which would be beneficial when there are a few months waiting for the exam to be complete, A candidate has to set shorter and longer goals at the same time. The shorter goals will give an idea to the candidate on the topics that is covered daily whereas the longer goals will provide them with inputs on how they can clear NEET 2022 exams at the first attempt.
  • Study material- Collection of the material that is important for the NEET exams. There is no dearth of books in the market, but which is the right book in the market happens to be important. Studying class 11 and 12 books are a vital tool when it comes to the exams.

The aspirants need to take note of the fact that this happens to be a competitive exam. Hence mugging up the concepts are not going to work. The exam requires you to have a basic understanding of the topics for which one needs to study smartly and not resort to hard work only. Once you are complete with each topic try to answer questions on them and clear questions at the same time.

  • Comprehensive study- Make sure that you note down the notes on each topic that will enable you to understand it better. This is going to be of help at the time of revising for the exam. Since the NEET exams are based on NCERT syllabus make sure that you are familiar with each topic from the starting to the end
  •  Understand your performance- Do take some time to revise the topics. If students have a problem in retaining the topics you can make flashcards. Make a note of all the doubts, and take help from the guides or books. It is going to help you scrutinize your performance, on the given day of the exam.
  • Try to solve the previous year exam question papers- Proper practicing of last year question papers is vital for the students to clear the exams at the first attempt. The papers will give an idea about the type of questions that is being asked the question and other important topics. After every topic try to understand the type of questions that are asked relating to that particular topic. Mistakes are bound to occur and try to solve them the next time. Make it a point that these mistakes do not emerge the next time. It is going to enhance the efficiency of the candidates in the exams

The best platform to seek professional help is Infinity Learn. With a short span of time they have helped millions of students to clear the exams in an easy way.


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