What Are Shifts Like on a Cruise Ship?
If you want to work on a cruise ship, you’re in for a challenge. The work is very physical and hard. You can be serving up to thirty diners at a time, and you must sprint from the kitchen to the floor to keep up with the busy schedule. If you’re wondering if you’d like to try working on a ship, here are some things you should know about shifts.
The working schedule isn’t always as flexible as it sounds. Many ship crew members work long hours and rarely get a rest period. Even if they do get time off between shifts, they might still be overworked and tired. You can’t afford to miss work, and if you’re lucky, you can use it to enjoy the cruise ship life. But if you’re worried about working long hours, you should definitely consider other job options first.
Cruise ships require a great deal of training. Crew members work in shifts, and most positions are on call 24 hours a day. They often work long shifts that can go up to sixteen hours a day. Some of these positions can be dangerous, so if you’re worried about your safety, you should be ready for a long work day. However, there are always exceptions to every rule, and working on a cruise ship is not for everyone.
Most jobs on a cruise ship don’t require weekends or holidays. They only require a few hours between shifts, but you shouldn’t expect to party all night on Friday. You’ll have to work the next day, so you can’t have a rest day on Friday. The work load and productivity will depend on your position and the number of passengers on board. However, most crew members work nine to 11 hours a day.