The Use Of Hemp Seeds In Treatment, Beneficial Properties And Contraindications For The Body

Not many people know that the medicinal properties of hemp are very extensive, and the plant itself has the widest scope. Since ancient times, hemp seeds have been used not only for intoxication, but also for the treatment of diseases, and fabrics, ropes, ropes and paper can be made from the leaf-stem part of the plant. With the exception of cannabis varieties that are prohibited for cultivation, today this crop can be cultivated on a personal plot for medicinal purposes.
Hemp (cannabis) is a genus of annual plants from the Cannabis family. Today, it is widely known throughout the world as a plant with psychotropic properties used in the production of drugs. However, this is far from the only area of its application. The genus Cannabis contains only one species – Cannabis sativa. However, in view of polymorphism, it is divided into such types of hemp as Indian (Cannabis indica), Sowing (Cannabis sativa), Weed (Cannabis ruderalis).
The word cannabis, denoting a genus of a plant in Latin, in English characterizes a psychotropic plant, and an agricultural crop is called hemp. In Russian, the word “hemp” is used in all cases.
Cannabis can grow up to two meters in height, has an upright branched hollow stem with a thickness of up to 30 mm. It is characteristic that it is tetrahedral on top, hexagonal in the middle and rounded below. Outwardly, the hemp stem is very similar to flaxseed. The males and females of this dioecious plant are called stubby and materka, respectively, but today there are also monoecious cannabis varieties, as well as hybrids with bisexual flowers.
At the top, the leaf arrangement is alternate, and in the rest – opposite. The leaves are compound, petiolate with serrated edges, consisting of 5-7 leaflets. Flowers are dioecious. Males have five stamens and yellow-green sepals. Male inflorescences are loose panicles, and female inflorescences are complex spikes. Hemp fruits are slightly elongated or egg-shaped nuts located inside the bract. They can be ribbed or smooth, and are usually painted in a greenish-gray color.
Female cannabis blooms 4-6 weeks later than male cannabis. At the same time, the content of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in it is much higher. This cannabinoid forms the basis of the therapeutic and psychotropic effects of the plant on the body.
In the garden or when growing freely, hemp can be easily recognized by the characteristic shape of the leaves. They consist of 5-8 toothed leaflets of an elongated shape, splayed from the handle like fingers of a hand.
Cannabis cultivation is a complex issue today. On the one hand, this culture is very valuable for the pharmaceutical, textile, fuel, paper, light and construction industries. On the other hand, it is also a raw material for the production of psychoactive products, which make up about 60% of drug confiscated goods in Russia.
Hemp cultivation is one of the oldest branches of crop production, which, according to some sources, originates in China more than 2000 BC. And the first descriptions of the plant date back to the 28th century BC. Pliny the Elder mentioned in his work “Natural History” that already in his time hemp was of great nutritional, medicinal and spinning value. In particular, the writer noted that the benefits of hemp seeds for the body are a laxative effect, and medicines based on them relieve pain and inflammation, treat burns, gout, and joint diseases.Hemp received the widest industrial distribution in the 15th-20th centuries, since it was very important for sailing. In the 16th century, Henry VII Tudor issued the Hemp Decree, according to which a certain percentage of farmers’ crops should be occupied with hemp.
During its existence, the Soviet Union became the world leader in hemp growing, although in the central regions of Russia this industry was widely developed in the second half of the 19th century. On the territory of modern Belarus and the border areas, this industry formed the basis of the peasants’ earnings. At this time, Russia produced 40% of European hemp linen.
After dispossession, hemp cultivation was almost abandoned, but in the 1930s, the planting of hemp seeds at the Stakhanovite pace led to a major breakthrough. By 1936, the Soviet cultivated area of culture accounted for 80% of the world. Hemp became one of the key agricultural crops of the Soviet Union and for this was included in the sculptural ensemble of the Friendship of Peoples fountain at VDNKh.
The presence of cannabinoids and other psychoactive components makes it possible to make such common types of drugs as hashish and marijuana from hemp. Their content provides the medicinal properties of cannabis, but most consumers are interested in the intoxicating effect.
In most countries, the cultivation of cannabis and the circulation of narcotic substances produced from it are prohibited. In the Czech Republic, Portugal, the Netherlands, Spain, Uruguay, as well as several Canadian and American states, there are partial bans on production and circulation. The legalization of cannabis is a hotly debated topic and has become a source of much controversy regarding the relationship between physiological and social problems and cannabis use.
In 1996, the state of California became the first place in the world to officially legalize the medical use of cannabis in limited quantities. Subsequently, this practice was introduced in 16 more states of the United States.
Russian law prohibits the cultivation of “drug-containing” plants. However, tetrahydrocannabiol is present in all varieties of hemp, so any planting of this plant is actually prohibited, even for medical purposes.
Since Soviet times, Russia has used the classification of cannabis according to species into southern, central Russian and northern. The latter is practically not grown today, as it is unproductive. Central Russian is cultivated in some areas of the middle zone. Southern cannabis grows in the Transcaucasus, the North Caucasus, Central Asia and the southern regions of Ukraine.
According to Small and Cronquist, the subspecies of Cannabis sativum in the modern classification is divided into two varieties: wild and sowing. And Hemp Indian into Kafiristan and Indian. This taxonomy is based on the directions of selection (fiber, oilseed or narcotic).
Modern technologies make it possible to grow and process hemp without waste, creating products for various industries. Here are just some of the derivatives of this plant:
- technical fabrics, fire hoses, nets, threads, rigging, parachute lines, yarn;
- shoes and clothes;
- hemp fiber materials for car interior trim (dashboards, upholstery);
- fabrics of various structure, strength and stiffness;
- paper with various technical parameters;
- thermal insulation materials;
- fire biofuel;
- building materials from plant stem fiber;
- oil for paint and varnish production;
- coal, methanol, methane and gasoline;
- animal feed, bedding, toilet fillers;
- technical, derived from hemp, oils;
- ingredients for cosmetics;
- vegetable edible oil;
- pharmacological preparations.
Important! Due to the special reputation of the plant, today hemp seeds are rarely eaten, and among some people are even associated with drug use. But the seeds and oil of the plant do not contain THC, so they do not have a psychotropic effect on the body.
The medicinal properties of hemp seeds are provided by essential oils, phenolic compounds, alkaloids, amino acids, alcohols, fatty acids and a number of other biologically active substances. Due to their presence, both the seeds and oil themselves and the medicinal preparations made using them have a positive effect on the body.
Try These Healthy Natural Cannabis Seeds Here Nutritional value of 100 g of hemp seed:
- proteins – 20-30 g;
- carbohydrates – ~ 0g;
- fats – 30-38 g;
- water – 11.5 g;
- calorie content – 373 kcal.
The benefits of hemp seeds for the body are due to the presence of vitamins B, C, D, E, PP, antioxidants, carotenoids, chlorophyll and two dozen amino acids. It is remarkable that globulin proteins are identical to those found in the blood, which is a rarity in the plant world. These substances support the combat capability of the immune system, as they are used in the production of antibodies that fight bacteria and viruses.
Hemp seeds do not contain gluten protein, which is contraindicated for people with celiac disease. Also, this product may be of interest to those who practice gluten-free diets.
- Buy Organic Hemp Protein Here the work of the nervous system is stabilized;
- the functions of the heart are improved, a healthy rhythm is established, the tone of the muscles of the organ increases;
- the walls of blood vessels become stronger and more elastic;
- thrombosis and atherosclerosis are prevented;
- digested seeds envelop the walls of the digestive organs, protecting them from damage;
- anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antiparasitic action of the components of the product improves the condition in diseases of the corresponding nature;
- analgesic and diuretic action is useful for the treatment of the genitourinary system;
- fiber stimulates the muscular work of the intestines, improves digestion and cleanses the organs;
- diseases of the male reproductive system are prevented;
- hemoglobin level is regulated;
- memory, brain efficiency, physical and psycho-emotional tone, attention, wakefulness and sleep patterns improve;
- lactation is stimulated during breastfeeding;
- gama-linolenic acids facilitate the transfer of post-menstrual syndrome and other features of women’s health;
- some studies say that hemp seeds help prevent and treat cancer.
To improve health and improve the functioning of the body, it is enough just to eat hemp seeds. Raw, they are soft and juicy, with a slight bitterness and a nutty flavor. Such a product is great for adding to salads, hot dishes, cereals, pastries, sauces. It also goes well with dried fruits, cheeses and seeds of other vegetable crops: sunflower, flax, sesame, amaranth, etc.The recommended dose for the preventive use of hemp seeds is 30-40 grams, which is equal to about two tablespoons.
How cannabis seeds are used in traditional medicine:
- To relieve swelling, you need to apply crushed boiled seeds of the plant.
- With the loss of breast milk, the use of hemp milk – seeds ground with water can help.
- A decoction of hemp seed is used to treat blepharitis, conjunctivitis and glaucoma.
- Lotions with hemp decoction help treat boils, diaper rash, abscesses, bedsores, corns and abrasions.
- Seed compresses are recommended for the treatment of chronic rheumatism.
- To strengthen men’s health, it is recommended to eat seeds fried with salt, and also drink ½ cup 4 times a day, an infusion of 1 tbsp. seeds per 0.5 l of boiling water).
- With kidney ailments, the diuretic properties of a decoction from a glass of pumpkin seeds and a glass of hemp seeds, grated and filled with three glasses of boiling water, help. The remedy is drunk during the day and, if necessary, sweetened with honey.
- With coughs and diseases of the upper respiratory tract, hemp tea from 1 tsp helps. seeds brewed in a glass of boiling water. A total of two glasses should be drunk per day.
- The described tea recipe helps with shattered nerves, insomnia, overexertion and chronic fatigue.
- Tincture for herpes, ear pain, for rinsing with sore throat and wound healing. Pour 1 liter of alcohol or vodka into 100 g of hemp seeds, stems and leaves. Insist two weeks. Consume after straining.
- With asthma of a normal or bronchial nature. Pour a tablespoon of seeds with milk or water, boil, cool and strain. Drink this volume during the day for 4-5 doses.
- With uterine myoma, the condition improves a 2-week course of treatment with a decoction of 2 tbsp. seeds and 200 ml of water, brought to a boil. A glass should be drunk during the day for several approaches.
- Ointment for burns, lichen, dermatitis and eczema. Grind a glass of seeds into powder, dilute with liquid to medium fluidity. Add 1 cup each of butter, crushed walnuts and chopped blood red geranium herb.
Possible consequences:
- dizziness;
- headache;
- active sweating;
- headaches;
- fainting.
Hemp oil is obtained by cold pressing, so it retains a maximum of useful properties. About 85% of the chemical composition is occupied by unsaturated fatty acids, among which 2/3 is linoleic. It is not produced by the body on its own, but is necessary to maintain the health of cells and intercellular communications. In addition, linoleic acid provides the burning of subcutaneous fat deposits. The antioxidant properties of the substance are also important. They are valued by cosmetologists, as they provide youth and skin tone, and by doctors, because they prevent the appearance and spread of cancer. The antioxidant properties of hemp oil are also enhanced by the high content of tocopherol (vitamin E).
Buy natural hemp oil here Nutritional value of 100 g of hemp oil:
- fats – 99.9 g;
- water – 0.01 g;
- calorie content – 899 kcal.
Externally, the oil is an oily liquid of a light green color, sometimes with brown and yellowish hues. Nutty notes are clearly felt in the taste.
The benefits and harms of hemp oil are discussed by scientists and physicians, and the main benefits are to stabilize the metabolism and fats, increase immunity and overall well-being due to physical and mental tone. In moderation, the liquid helps to reduce weight and increase the efficiency of internal organs and systems.
Treatment with hemp oil is mainly based on antiseptic and antioxidant action. So, the liquid is considered a powerful anti-cancer agent. When used externally on burns, wounds and other injuries, the oil disinfects and nourishes damaged tissues, accelerating healing. Tannins in its composition contribute to the improvement of the gastrointestinal tract with gastritis and ulcers. In addition, the product relieves diarrhea, hyperacidity of the stomach, obstruction and heartburn.
Despite its current reputation, hemp is a very valuable plant, providing not only a strong fiber for fabrics and paper, but also useful products used in pharmacology and medicine. The use of seeds and oil, even in small volumes, has a positive effect on the health of the whole organism.
Some of the most experienced and dexterous people on how to germinate hemp seeds are growers. This is the name of those who grow hemp on small, usually home-grown farms. Most growers grow cannabis for narcotic use, working with strains that have the highest THC content.
Food hemp, the germination of which will be discussed further, has nothing to do with drug use. For the manufacture of dope, foliage and flowers are used, and sprouts and germinated hemp seeds themselves are used as food. The benefits of these products are due to the following components:
- high content of unsaturated fatty acids;
- the presence of vitamins B1-B9, C, E;
- the composition contains a globular protein, which is considered the most easily digestible for the human body;
- the body receives more than a dozen micro and macro elements;
- hemp seed is not inferior in amount of calcium to sesame;
- vegetable fiber has a beneficial effect on digestion.
Germinated hemp seeds have a wide range of beneficial effects on the body, similar to the effect of germinated grains or seeds of other plants. There is a general strengthening of health, normalization of physical and nervous activity, adjustment of the work of internal organs and systems, secretory functions are stimulated.
Of course, what matters is which cannabis seeds will germinate. It is unlikely that it will be possible to buy this specific material on the market – due to the legal status of the plant, there are no people willing to openly sell seeds. On the black market, most likely, they will offer narcotic cannabis, with a high content of THC. Such raw materials are also not needed. It is better to find agricultural hemp. It is very easy to buy it online. A good choice is green hemp seeds (green hemp seeds) produced by Compass Zdorovya.
Germination process:
- Sort the seeds, rinse and pour into a bowl.
- Pour in plenty of water to separate unusable particles.
- After 3-5 hours, bad seeds will float to the surface. First you need to throw them away, and then drain the water.
- Rinse the settled seeds with cool water and transfer to a container with a wide, even bottom.
- Put a damp cloth on the bottom of the container. Put a thin layer of seeds on it. Cover with another cloth. The material should not be too dense, otherwise it will not let air through, and the grain may ban.
- Remove the container with germinating seeds in a place with a temperature not lower than room temperature.
The first sprouts appear after 1-1.5 days and, in principle, they can already be eaten. You can wait for germination to a few centimeters. At this time, it is necessary to ensure that the rags remain damp. But the water should not stand, because the hemp will rot from this. Before use, sprouts and seeds should be washed several times.
Due to the strong smell of hemp seeds and oil, which cannot be ignored, these products are one of the best natural nibble stimulants. Most fish cannot swim past bait with oil or hemp seeds. Most often, these products are added as fishing activators to baits and top dressing from other products.
- Send dry seeds to a hot frying pan and fry without oil until crackling begins.
- Remove from the stove and, after cooling, grind into grains using a coffee grinder or blender.
Light roasting enhances and enhances the flavor of the seeds. Even the addition of 1 part of this flavor to 10 parts of the main bait ensures increased attention of the fish. When preparing fried hemp seeds for fishing, you should remember that they are not stored for a long time, and only fresh seeds provide a good effect.
- Rinse the seeds and soak in cool water for 24 hours.
- After settling most of the seeds to the bottom, put the container on the stove.
- Cook for about 30 minutes after boiling over medium heat. The finished grain should shoot out with white tongues.
Some anglers always take cannabis with them, although it is most effective from mid-summer to late September. In general, it is not advisable to use such an effective product as top dressing – it quickly sinks and you often need to throw it directly near the float. Still, it is better to add hemp to baits based on wheat, sunflower, corn, peas, pearl barley, etc. After cooking, the part of the hemp that will not be used can be stored in the freezer.
Boiled seeds can be used as hook bait, which roaches simply love. But for a good retention of seeds on gear, calm weather is needed. An active bite is guaranteed, although most bites will be empty.
For hemp seeds, you need delicate tackle: from a very small hook, sinker up to 5 g in weight and a light float with a thin antenna. It is better to plant large dense seeds, and feed the rest. The likelihood of baiting is high, since hemp seeds do not grow to a size that allows them to be easily and conveniently strung on a hook.
Fishing-friendly cannabis can be found at pet stores, the poultry food section, and some fishing stores. If it was not possible to find hemp in its pure form, you can take mixed bird food, in which it is always present.
The potential harm of hemp seeds to the body depends on the form of application. With culinary use, the negative effect is practically absent. Of course, first you need to make sure that there are no personal allergic reactions. In addition, seeds should be more careful with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. As a rule, when eating no more than 2-3 tbsp. seeds per day negative consequences are excluded. If the recommended dose is exceeded, indigestion and headache may occur.
The psychotropic effect on the body is due to the action of cannabinoids. Special sections of the shells of the synapses of nerve cells react to them. They are located in the central nervous system and areas of the brain responsible for memory, learning and movement. After using marijuana, dry mouth appears, eyes turn red, appetite increases. The psychological effects of intoxication are different:
- heightened humor;
- euphoria;
- nap;
- insomnia;
- tranquility, relaxation.
A person becomes more receptive to colors, details of the environment and what is happening, more sensitive to art and music. Some people have an increased sense of aromas and tastes.
Cannabis can cause delirium, a mental disorder in which a person is restless, disoriented, scared, and his mind is clouded. Sometimes there is a premonition of danger. Most often, toxic delirium is a consequence of excessive smoking of marijuana.
The estimated lethal dose of smoking for a 70 kg person is approximately 3 grams of pure tetrahydrocannabinol. This is about 60g of marijuana with 5% THC. The actual volume is probably higher because it is impossible to smoke that much at one time. In addition, marijuana usually has a lower concentration of THC, and not all of the active substance enters the lungs.
When eaten, the estimated lethal dose of marijuana is about 2 kg. Of course, it is also not possible to voluntarily eat such an amount.
Signs of an overdose:
- pupils do not react to light;
- face flushed;
- mucous membranes of the oral and nasal cavities are dry;
- palpitations and pulse (more than 100 beats / min.);
- high blood pressure;
- spasms or tremors in the body;
- chills or fever;
- possible pain in the heart;
- signs of acute psychosis: fear, hallucinations, obsessions, mental fog, disorientation, delirium;
- sopor;
- a disorder of consciousness, in which reactions to external stimuli (sound, light, etc.) are greatly reduced or completely absent;
- sweeping movements, difficulty thinking and speaking.
How to provide first aid:
- Reassure the victim, maintain verbal contact with him, talk.
- Create a calm environment without loud sounds, visual stimuli.
- Unfasten tight clothes, open windows or vents so that fresh air flows well.
- To detoxify the body, you can drink strong tea with honey or sugar.
- If there is a fever, sprinkle cool water on the head and face, apply a towel soaked in water to the forehead.
- When eating a psychotropic substance, take an activated stomach, preferably gastric lavage.
- To return to consciousness, rub your ears, shake, lightly pinch.
- If unconscious, lay the person on their side.
In case of poisoning, you should always call an ambulance first. The called brigade will conduct an examination, find out the extent of the lesion and determine whether hospitalization is needed.
To understand in which cases cannabis is useful and in which it is harmful to health, it is not enough to know only general knowledge about the plant. The medical use of its derivatives requires studying the type of raw materials, the method of processing, the concentration of active substances and the order of assimilation by the body.
Medicinal marijuana is used not only in the form of joints, but also in the form of foods, drinks, lotions, concentrates, tinctures, sprays, vaporizers, etc. The choice is usually based on individual characteristics, although there are limitations imposed by the nature of the disease. It is logical, for example, that smoking is undesirable for asthma.
Precautionary measures:
- It is best to look for information about the use of medical marijuana and its effects yourself, but if possible, seek advice from dispensaries.
- Forms of medication and dosage are best agreed with the attending physician, if possible.
- In order to avoid bad consequences, you need to familiarize yourself with the disadvantages and advantages of different ways of medical use of cannabis;
- You can consult with employees of dispensaries.
It is important to remember that medical marijuana is a complete medicine. Regardless of the effect it has, it must not be shared with other people. The fact is that the effect of cannabis on a particular person is individual and unpredictable. Store it in an airtight container out of the reach of pets and children.